Current Grants
GACR, 20-23165J – Using cryo-electron tomography for understanding function of the ciliary tip domain (2020-2022), V. Varga
Past Grant
Charles University Grant Agency, GAUK972120 – Characterization of ends of subdistally terminating ciliary microtubule doublets, (2020-2021), P. Gorilák
Charles University Grant Agency, GAUK1313120 – Characterizing a sensory pathway leading to defined changes in starved Trypanosoma brucei (2020-2021), H. Váchová
H2020 – MSCA IF, 846796 SILIA – Solid Immersion Lens Microscopy to Study Cilia Assembly (2019-2021), L. Štěpánek
EMBO Installation Grant – Construction of the eukaryotic flagellum (2017-2019), V. Varga
J. E. Purkyně Fellowship of the Czech Academy of Sciences, – Research studies of microtubule cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells (2016-2021), V. Varga
Junior grant of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), GJ16-26444Y – Identification and characterization of the eukaryotic flagellar tip domain constituents (2016-2018), V. Varga