Category Archives: Lab Members
Filip Šlapal, B.Sc.
Lucia Bubelínyová, B.Sc.
Marie Zelená, M.Sc.
Luděk Štěpánek, Ph.D.
After completing his undergraduate studies at Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, Luděk joined Dr. Gaia Pigino at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden to pursue his PhD studies. Here he encountered cilia and flagella for the first time, employing correlative light and electron microscopy to reveal how the intraflagellar transport is organized. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked under supervision of Prof. Stefan Diez from Technische Universität Dresden to study intraflagellar transport motors in vitro. Luděk joined our lab in July 2018 to study flagellum assembly using combination of imaging and biochemistry approaches.